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Minimalism: How to select your clothes?

I already wrote several articles about the minimalism way of life. It looks like many of you are interested in, so I decided to write more! Here I am with a new article about: how to select your clothes?

Minimalism is not only about clothes, but it is how I started. I used to have too many clothes that I wasn’t really happy about. Little by little, I found some technics in order to better choose my clothes, and for me not to get bored of them. So here are ten tips to select your clothes!

TIP 1. The cloth has to be integrated in several outfits.

When you see a cloth you like, think about the outfits you can create with the ones you already own. If several ideas come up, it means that this cloth is perfect for you! On the contrary, if you have difficulties to think about outfits ideas… Then it may not suit your style. It happened a lot to me: I liked a cloth so I bought it, but I never wore it as I had nothing to match with. In the end, I had to buy another cloth to be able to wear the first I bought… There is no point in it!

TIP 2. Buy secondhand/vintage.

I’m used to buy clothes in secondhand shops. Some people don’t like it, but I think that as long as you analyse correctly the cloth (and make sure it’s not worn out), it’s easy to tell which one would suit you perfectly. Lately, I’m using Vinted [note: French secondhand app] a lot. Being able to buy a very nice cloth for such little price… Why didn’t I use it earlier? I also buy vintage clothes. For me, it’s a real plus to have an elegant cloth that not everyone can have in their closet!

TIP 3. Select your colors.

You have to define your color palet. A color palet is the colors you feel good wearing it, and you think it is easy to match. As for me, I chose: black, white, grey and some blue and beige. I’m not telling you have to wear these! It’s simply that these colors are basics for me, and I feel good wearing them. Moreover, these colors match well between them (and then it’s easy to follow tip number 1).

TIP 4. Have a dedicated place for your clothes.

At home, define one unique space to stock your clothes: a closet, a dressing room… It allows you to easily control what you own. If you scatter your clothes, you will accumulate and forget about what clothes you already own.

TIP 5. Don’t follow trends.

Trends exist only to make us buy more! There are so many Instagram Influencers who are showing their latest finds… But don’t forget they also sell a lot of these clothes afterward. If you really like a trend, of course, you can follow it! As for me, I followed some trends, but they became basics for me (I’m currently writing this article wearing my vichy blouse I love and that was trendy a year ago!). Just be careful not to buy something only because it’s trendy.

TIP 6. Have a look at the fabrics.

In the Fast Fashion world, let’s be honest, some fabrics are so bad! That’s why it’s not made to last long. We all experienced this: we buy this super cute H&M pullover and after one day it already looks like you’ve been wearing it everyday for 3 months. That’s exactly what we have to avoid from now on. But it doesn’t mean you have to buy super expensive clothes! Just have a closer look at the quality of the fabrics. It will then be easy for you to find which clothes will last long.

TIP 7. Choose the right cuts.

In the same way, be careful about the cuts and buy only clothes that enhance your silhouette! A mom jean or a skinny? Find what shape is the best for you. You will feel better wearing it and it will be easier for you to choose amidst all the different clothes.

TIP 8. Do I really need it?

That’s THE question you have to ask yourself. Do I really need it in my closet? Will I wear it? Personally, it helps me a lot and helps me to avoid useless purchase.

TIP 9. Choose clothes that fits my lifestyle.

Let’s say you work a lot during the day, maybe buying new heels is not the best option. Or let’s say you work as a bank consultant, maybe a fancy shiny jacket is not the right cloth. Buy clothes that fit your everyday life: if you spend long time in a car or in a subway, if you have kids, if you walk a lot or stand long,… As a photographer, I don’t wear dresses or skirts when I go working as I would have to sit on the ground or climb some benches in order to take the best pictures. I don’t like to feel my movements limited.

TIP 10. Stop for a minute.

Sometimes, it’s nice to stop, contemplate all the clothes you already own, and realize how lucky you already are. Buying more doesn’t mean being happier. To be honest, I have less and less clothes, and I feel so great!

I hope you will find this article useful. Of course, remember to always have fun and please yourself, going minimalist is not like being in a prison haha. Let me know in the comments if you have or want to have a minimalism lifestyle!

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